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Team Leader, Abt Global Ukraine

Nadiia Zaritska is a Ph.D. sociologist with 13 years of extensive experience in programme management, research, monitoring, evaluation, research, and learning (MERL), and gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) analysis. 

With a steadfast commitment to promoting gender equality, social inclusion, and human rights, Zaritska has focused her efforts on driving reforms, democratization, and addressing the social repercussions of conflict and war. Her professional journey has led her to engage closely with national and local governmental bodies in Ukraine, Georgia, and Moldova.

Zaritska's expertise extends to forging productive partnerships with international donors and stakeholders, including the UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO), the European Union, US Democracy Commission Small Grants Program as well as various United Nations agencies and other key donors and donor-funded projects.

As the Team Leader for the Good Governance Fund (GGF) Programme, funded by the FCDO, Zaritska spearheads design and delivery of project initiatives to advance domestic reform agendas. Her leadership supports the programme’s goals to establish transparent and accountable institutions while fostering open and inclusive economies and societies.

Zaritska collaborates closely with Ukrainian ministries—including the Ministry of Restoration, Ministry of Social Policy, Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Digital Transformation, Ministry of Energy, Ministry for Reintegration of Temporary Occupied Territories—as well as with parliamentary committees, regional state administrations, territorial communities.

Overseeing more than 30 GGF projects, Zaritska ensures timely delivery and quality of project outcomes while providing strategic direction. She also plays a pivotal role in managing communications with key stakeholders and fostering effective collaboration among department leads, external partners, delivery partners, and technical leads. 

Prior to joining Abt Global, Zaritska held crucial roles in programme management, MERL, research and GESI mainstreaming for various organizations. She served as a Programme Manager and Monitoring and Evaluation Officer for the Charitable Foundation’s Stabilisation Support Service. She also contributed significantly to the International Organization for Migration in Ukraine, where she oversaw the National Monitoring System of Internally Displaced Persons.

Her extensive experience in Ukraine also includes project management and analysis roles for reputable research organizations such as InMind Analytics Ltd. and MASMI Ltd.


  • Project Design and Implementation
  • Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Analysis
  • Research and MERL
  • Economic and Social Consequences of Conflict and War
  • Leadership and Team Management

Key Projects:

  • Good Governance Fund Programme (FCDO)
  • Promoting Cohesion and Sustainable Community Development in Conflict-Affected Communities (EU)  
  • Addressing Social Consequences of the Conflict and the Illegal Annexation of Crimea with Support to Ukrainian Government Bodies and Local Civil Society (CSSF) 
  • Strengthening the Participation of Internally Displaced Persons in Democratic Processes of Local Government (US Democracy Commission Small Grants Program) 
  • Assessment of Situation with Internally Displaced Persons in All Oblasts of Ukraine in Support of Humanitarian Programmes in Ukraine(EU)


Nadiia Zaritska, Ph.D.