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Annual Conference of the European Basic Skills Network 2023

We are honored to participate in the 2023 Annual Conference of the European Basic Skills Network. Abt’s Judith Alamprese will be the sole representative from the U.S. and will speak about research from adult learning programs funded by the U.S. Department of Education’s Institute of Education Sciences and the Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education. Her presentations will address the use of digital technologies in adult basic skills programs, approaches for assessing the quality of adult basic skills programs, and the implications of the CONFINTEA VII international conference on adult education for adult basic skills policy, practice, and research. 


June 15, 10:40 a.m. CEST
Using Digital Technologies to Support Adult Learners’ Success in Basic Skills
Judith Alamprese (Abt Global)

June 15, 1:50 p.m. CEST
Reflections on the Seventh International Conference on Adult Education (CONFINTEA VII)
Judith Alamprese (Abt Global); Heribert Hinzen (University of Würzburg); Balázs Németh, (University of Pécs)

June 16, 11:00 a.m. CEST
Closing Conference Panel: Determining the Quality of Adult Basic Skills Programs: Possible Directions and Perspectives from Europe and North America
Judith Alamprese (Abt Global); Alex Stevenson, National Learning and Work Institute (London, England); Sofie Doskarova, European Commission (Brussels, Belgium); and Erno Hyvönen, Ministry of Education and Culture (Helsinki, Finland)

Additional Resources

Technology-Based Coaching in Adult Education (TBCAE) Toolkit

The TBCAE Toolkit helps adult education program staff use text messaging to support adult  learners’ participation and their attainment of education outcomes.

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The Career Pathways Planner: A Guide for Adult Education State Leaders to Promote Local Career Pathways Systems

The Career Pathways Planner: A Resource Guide for Adult Education State Leaders to Promote Local Career Pathways Systems (the Planner) was informed by the experiences of the Moving Pathways Forward project and other career pathways investments designed to support adult educators and the clients they serve. The Planner was designed to address a need that emerged from the Moving Pathways Forward project - supporting state leaders in providing a vision for a local career pathways system and the types of services that comprise that system. The Planner addresses areas that the project team found were instrumental in implementing local/regional career pathways systems. The Planner includes information, strategies, tools, and links to existing resources that adult education state staff can use in assisting local providers in implementing career pathways services. 

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Compendium of Innovative Practices: Holistic Approach to Adult Education Services

Abt documented the innovative practices in the Advancing Innovation in Adult Education Project, which helped adult learners attain their goals.

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Judith Alamprese

Judith A. Alamprese has more than 35 years of experience directing research, evaluation and technical assistance projects in adult education and workforce development. Trained as a sociologist, she has focused on system and individual-level interventions to promote the social and economic well-being of low-skilled adults and at-risk youth. For 18 years she has led the division’s adult learning practice, where her work has ranged from leading rigorous evaluations of innovative practices in basic skills instruction to designing state-systemic change initiatives in career pathways.

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