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Abt's Equity Champions

Abt is committed to centering equity within our operations and our programming. Taking an equity-centered approach allows us to deliver on our mission to improve the quality of life and economic wellbeing of people worldwide. Our equity team works across projects, bringing a rights-based, anti-racist, and feminist approach to all of our work. They're available to help your organization unpack the links among identities, such as gender, race, disability, and sexual orientation, as well as to understand the connections between identity and social inclusion.

Meet the people who can help your organization achieve your Equity goals:

Roslyn M. Brock
Chief Global Equity Officer
Roslyn M. Brock is a nationally recognized civil rights, health policy, and equity advocate. Brock has 30-plus years of experience providing strategic consultation to corporate boards, executive leadership teams, non-profit organizations, and institutions on talent acquisition, community engagement, capital investments, and risk mitigation. As Abt Global' Chief Global Equity Officer, Brock is designing an external and internal global equity, diversity, and inclusion strategy to advance Abt's mission and drive business results. She also guides related investments across all business functions, co-creating methods, tools, and capabilities to support an inclusive culture, market development, and external partnerships.
Learn more about Roslyn.

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Brooke Abrams
Senior Analyst
Brooke Abrams is a Research Monitoring and Evaluation Senior Analyst and Abt's Global Equity Center's Racial Equity Lead. Brooke brings more than seven years of experience with expertise in culturally responsive, equitable technical assistance and research evaluation approaches. Abrams leads with systems transformation and theory of change frameworks that span the following areas of expertise: housing programs and policies, the social determinants of health, child and family-serving systems, economic wellbeing, and criminal justice reform. She is skilled in communicating findings to technical and non-technical audiences. Abrams applies her lived expertise in homelessness and first-generation, low-income college and postsecondary STEM preparedness to inform her equitable TA&I strategies.
Learn more about Brooke.

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Katrina L. Bledsoe
Principal Associate, Global Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion
Dr. Katrina L. Bledsoe is a trained researcher and evaluator with more than 25 years of experience as a mixed methodologist and social psychologist, with researcher and evaluation experience in both U.S. and international settings. Dr. Bledsoe's evaluation work has focused on community-based social services, health and education evaluation and programming, mixed methodology and methods, theory-driven evaluation, culturally responsive and equity-focused approaches, and topics in applied social psychology. As Principal, Dr. Bledsoe is responsible for developing equity, diversity, and inclusion strategies that center on culturally responsive research and evaluation approaches, theory-driven evaluation, and organizational learning across the organization, as well as thought and practice leadership in research and evaluation.
Learn more about Katrina.

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Ellen Bomasang
Principal, Global Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
Ellen Bomasang is a global development professional whose focus has been clean energy, climate, and inclusive growth across emerging economies in Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East. Bomasang’s more than 25 years of experience have earned her recognition as a thought leader in renewable energy and gender equality and social inclusion (GESI). She has led GESI-related interventions around the themes of women’s and girls’ leadership, male allyship, women’s economic empowerment, gender-based violence prevention and response in energy and infrastructure projects and building diverse and respectful workplaces.
Learn more about Ellen.

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Rebecca Devitt
Technical Adviser, Gender Equality, Disability, and Social Inclusion Practice
Dr. Rebecca Devitt is an international specialist in gender equality, disability, and social inclusion (GEDSI). Dr. Devitt brings 15-plus years of experience in policy development, corporate strategy, and program design and implementation of large-scale, technically complex development programs across Southeast Asia and the Pacific. She has achieved development outcomes by engaging with governments, civil society, research, multilateral, and donor partners. Dr. Devitt’s expertise extends toAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander equality, inclusive governance, and civil society-led reform.
Learn more about Rebecca.

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Leisa Gibson
Senior Advisor, Gender Equality, Disability, and Social Inclusion and Practice Lead
Leisa Gibson has more than 20 years of international experience working for governments, the United Nations, and civil society organizations. Her expertise includes strategic and operational planning, program formulation and delivery, change management, coordination and partnerships, quality assurance, and targeted interventions. She works on such issues as disability, development, inclusive leadership, gender, and gender-based violence (GBV) in humanitarian action, child marriage, women's economic empowerment, and organizational capacity development. As a senior member of our International Technical Practice, Leisa leads gender equality, disability, and social inclusion (GEDSI). She advises programs on health sector strengthening, GBV prevention and response, governance, and GEDSI mainstreaming.
Learn more about Leisa.

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Rucha Londhe
Equity Center Co-Director
Dr. Rucha Londhe is a Senior Associate in Abt's Social and Economic Policy division and an experienced child development specialist, evaluator, researcher, and technical assistance provider with a history of working in the education and health industries. Dr. Londhe is an expert at applying an equity lens to all her work, whether in implementation, impact evaluations, training, technical assistance, content writing, resource development, or community outreach. Dr. Londhe's expertise is in conducting community-based participatory research and evaluations with diverse populations, including immigrants and Native American tribal nations.
Learn more about Rucha.

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Tara Reed 
Vice President, Equity Capability 
Dr. Tara Reed (she/her/hers) is a leading equity and inclusion expert with over 20 years of experience in community, program, and system level leadership. Her work has focused on inclusive system design, capacity building, participatory research, meaningful community engagement, intersectional approaches, and transformative action. As Vice President of Abt’s Equity Capability, Dr. Reed leads the strategy to center equity within Abt’s global markets, providing strategic thought leadership and capacity building for internal and external stakeholders. She also leverages her extensive experience working with government and partner agencies to design and implement equitable systems of care. Her passions are advancing social justice and equity while building systems of accountability and sustainability. 
Learn more about Tara.

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Dr. Annemarie Reerink
Senior Advisor Equity and Localisation
Dr. Reerink has 25 years of experience promoting gender equality in the Asia-Pacific region. Prior to joining Abt, she worked for U.N. agencies in Asia and, more recently, spent eight years as the senior gender advisor for Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. In the latter role, she was responsible for setting the department’s technical direction, capability development, and quality and reporting of gender equality results across Australia’s aid program. As a senior member of our International Technical Practice, Dr. Reerink leads Abt Australia’s equity and localization work. She holds a Ph.D. in International Relations from the Australian National University.
Learn more about Annemarie.

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Stephanie Landers Silva
Equity Center Co-Director
Stephanie Landers Silva is an international specialist working on inclusive economic growth and market systems, private sector partnerships, and agricultural development, including strengthening economic opportunities for underserved groups such as women farmers and entrepreneurs. Landers Silva brings more than 10 years of experience in strategic advisory services, research, program design, and project management. In past roles, she has worked with organizations across sectors—including businesses, industry associations, producer cooperatives, and government agencies. Landers Silva holds a Bachelor's degree in Political Science from Wellesley College and a Master's degree from the Fletcher School at Tufts University, where she concentrated on International Business.
Learn more about Stephanie.

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