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Evaluating the Equitable Transition Models Demonstration
Low-income youth and young adults with disabilities (Y&YAD) face a myriad of unique and challenging obstacles to improving their economic well-being, from experiencing homelessness to involvement with the justice system. They along with their families…
Abt Fosters Finance for Climate Adaptation in the Caribbean
As the climate crisis continues to cause extreme weather, small island states are the hardest hit. For instance, most of the population in the Eastern and Southern Caribbean nations (the ESC) lives in coastal zones vulnerable to rising sea levels and…
Uncovering Barriers in Employment to Expand Workforce Access
Racial bias can be present in any step of the employment process. That includes how jobs are advertised, applications are screened, tasks and work hours are assigned, mentoring is offered, compensation is set, and retention and promotion decisions are…
EPA’s State Energy and Environment Guide to Action Gets Support from Abt
The EPA State and Local Climate and Energy Program offers free tools and technical resources to help states pursue their climate, clean energy, and equity goals. One key resource to support government policy makers and community advocates is the State…
Using Homeownership to Advance Racial & Health Equity
Americans from diverse backgrounds dream of owning a home. Homeownership can provide a sense of independence, financial and housing stability, and a pathway to building wealth for current and future generations. However, despite these widely shared…
Hazardous Substances Spill Mitigation Analysis
In 2019, the Natural Resource Defense Council and other organizations filed suit against the U.S Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), alleging violations of the Clean Water Act’s (CWA) statutes regarding discharge of hazardous substances. EPA and the…
Evaluating the Workforce Innovation Fund
The Workforce Innovation Fund (WIF), funded by the U.S. Department of Labor, was an initiative to develop and test new services and strategies in the public workforce system. WIF required that the 43 grantees each demonstrate how their proposed…
Process Study of the U.S. Department of Labor’s “Pay for Success” Pilots
The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) tested the use of a Pay for Success (PFS) approach for funding and evaluating employment services. Under the PFS model, private and philanthropic investors cover the up-front costs of delivering an intervention. Then…
Abt Evaluates Family and Early Childhood Workforce Needs for Rhode Island’s PDG B-5
Rhode Island’s Preschool Development Grant – Birth through Age Five (PDG) grant is being used to implement a plan to ensure all children from birth through age 5 (B-5) are supported by services and programs that will prepare them for lifelong success. To…
Partnering with the Private Sector to Strengthen the Cambodian Agriculture Sector
The agriculture sector must become more competitive, resilient, and inclusive to support Cambodia’s economic growth and the many Cambodians dependent on agriculture as their main source of income. This means improving access to finance, boosting value…