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Economic Growth & Governance

Abt Global facilitates inclusive, sustained economic growth that enhances the competitiveness of high-growth industries, empowers local stakeholders, and advances the green economy around the world. Our market-driven approaches link enterprises to markets, facilitate innovative financing, expand trade, mobilize private sector resources, and promote a supportive enabling environment. We partner with host governments, private investors, enterprises, and local organizations to drive public-private collaboration that supports innovation and encourages investment. We prioritize equity and inclusion by helping youth, women, and marginalized groups participate in and benefit from growth through increased incomes, jobs, and other economic gains. Our collaborations bolster transparent governance, promote social equity, and ensure sound environmental stewardship--all prerequisites for sustainable economic development.


  • Innovative Financing
  • Private Sector Collaboration
  • Workforce Skills Building
  • Market Systems
  • Environmentally Sustainable Business Practices
  • Trade Capacity Building

Clients Include

U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)

U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)

Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office

UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO)

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT)

Our Work

Blended Finance for Gender Equality Outcomes in Southeast Asia

Better access to capital for women’s businesses and reduced policy barriers in the Abt-led Investing in Women initiative in Southeast Asia

Ukrainian hryvnia, UAH banknotes

Improvement in governance in Eastern Europe and use of adaptive management to pivot to aid Ukraine’s economic recovery and war damage assessment

City of Papua New Guinea

Support for the Papua New Guinea-Australia Governance Partnership, whose focus includes decentralisation, citizen participation, and gender equity 

The West Africa Trade and Investment Hub

$100 million of investment and $174 million in sales for West African agriculture and apparel firms through new market opportunities

Abt Applies Buyer-led, Market Systems Approach in Cambodia

Enhanced market participation and business linkages that strengthened Cambodia's agriculture market system and accelerated horticulture growth

USAID Comprehensive Action for Climate Change Initiative (CACCI)

Support for countries to build policy and institutional frameworks that enable greater investment in sustainability and resilience through USAID CATALYST

Our Experts

Sarah Kozyn
Sarah Kozyn

Client Account Director, Agriculture Market Systems

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Feed the Future Egypt Rural Agribusiness Strengthening Project

Growing demand for fresh and processed fruits and vegetables has enabled Egypt to solidify its presence in quality-conscious markets in Europe, the Gulf and sub-Saharan Africa. However, smallholder farmers in Upper Egypt—which benefits from fertile soil,…

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Climate Economic Analysis for Development, Investment, and Resilience

Climate change response means mitigating greenhouse gas emissions to limit temperature increases, and adopting strategies to adapt to climate change’s unavoidable consequences.  Private and public investment are needed to develop, deploy, and scale up…

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Climate Finance and Agriculture: Growing Opportunities

This webinar explores what trends could mean for the future of climate finance in the agricultural sector.

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Spotlight On: Inclusive Economic Growth

Supporting small businesses, promoting gender lens investing and innovative financing, strengthening human capital, and connecting entrepreneurs to markets, Abt works across sectors to build capacity at individual, firm and farm levels, and promote competitiveness, productivity, and job creation that serves industries and communities.

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Spotlight On

Evaluating Prize Competitions Around the World

The AgResults initiative was created by five donors after the 2010 G20 summit. The donors recognized that their resources alone could not significantly reduce poverty in the world’s poorest countries. They created AgResults to test whether pay-for…

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From Survive to Thrive: Lessons from Resilience Building in Uganda

Chief of Party Dorothy Muroki reflects on five impactful years of the ICAN project in Uganda.

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Mentoring Camps Brighten Futures for Young Ugandan Women

USAID ICAN’s Adolescent Girls and Young Women mentorship camps help women who dropped out of school improve their economic status and community influence.

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Impact Brief

Empowering Women and Catalyzing Markets to Improve Nutrition

What influences a women’s ability to provide a balanced diet for herself and her household? In Bangladesh, the complex food system involves agriculture and non-agriculture market actors who affect food availability, access, utilization, and stability…

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Spotlight On: Advancing Fiscal Transparency & Improving Service Delivery Through PFM Support

Abt helps governments around the world enable sustainable economic growth, advance fiscal transparency and accountability, and improve service delivery.

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Spotlight On

Partnering with the Private Sector to Strengthen the Cambodian Agriculture Sector

The agriculture sector must become more competitive, resilient, and inclusive to support Cambodia’s economic growth and the many Cambodians dependent on agriculture as their main source of income.  This means improving access to finance, boosting value…

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