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Senior Survey Statistician, Digital and Data Services

Michael Witt brings more than 33 years of experience as a statistician specializing in survey design and survey data analytics. He has more than 27 years of managing staff at the administrative and project level. Mr. Witt has worked with government clients in fields ranging from energy to healthcare.

At Abt, Witt has worked on numerous national-level, state-level, and local-level household and establishment studies. He currently works on the New York City Community Health Survey (NYC CHS), the Flu Monitoring Panel Study, the Study of Nutrition and Activity in Child Care Settings, and the Atlanta COVID Antibody Study. His works involves using model-based techniques to identify the significant predictors of important analysis variables.

Before coming to Abt, Witt worked as a statistician and project director in a variety of fields, including residential and commercial energy efficiency evaluation, healthcare research, and statistical software design. He has designed studies and surveys for the Massachusetts Energy Efficiency Advisory Council, the U.S. Department of Energy, and the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration. For more than a decade, he served as a project director in the development of the SUDAAN statistical analysis software.


  • Data Capture and Surveys
  • Study Design

Key Projects

  • New York City Community Health Survey
  • Flu Monitoring Panel Study
  • Study of Nutrition and Activity in Child Care Settings
  • Atlanta COVID ABS Study
Michael Witt