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Rapidly Adapting Flu Research Framework for COVID-19 Studies

Rapidly Adapting Flu Research quote 2020

As the COVID-19 pandemic evolves, so is Abt’s role supporting our clients as they develop important policy and guideline recommendations. That’s why we are conducting innovative research and analysis aimed at better understanding COVID-19 and its impacts throughout the United States.

Leaders in Cutting-Edge Research on COVID-19

Since 2013 Abt has been prepared to support rapid data collection during a pandemic through an influenza pandemic preparedness network of clinical organizations. The network provided a foundation for the current nationwide platform, which can quickly collect, analyze, and interpret data to assess a variety of critical COVID-19 issues. From vaccine effectiveness and the disease’s epidemiology to infection transmissibility and infection rates, we gather data CDC needs to make evidence-based recommendations. Our work spans crucial priority populations, from healthcare personnel, first responders, and essential workers to pregnant women. We also monitor households and continuing care retirement communities.