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Agriculture Market Systems​ & Food Security

Strong agricultural productivity and market systems are essential for countries working to improve resilience, enhance livelihoods, and better dietary health. At the forefront of agricultural innovation and food security solutions, Abt partners at local, national, and regional levels to strengthen capacity and develop sustainable food systems. Our approach expands climate-smart practices and improves governance of natural resources. We also prioritize equity and inclusion to create opportunities for individuals and communities that have faced discrimination. We work with local actors to address market failures and improve business networks, norms that govern outcomes, and supportive services such as financing and technology adoption.


  • Strengthening Market Systems
  • Nutrition and Food Security
  • Expanding Market Access
  • Increasing Agricultural Productivity
  • Developing On- And Off-Farm Livelihoods

Clients Include


United States Agency for International Development (USAID)


Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office (FCDO)


Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT)

Our Work

colorful food market

Connections of smallholder Egyptian farmers with domestic and international buyers to generate jobs and raise farmer incomes

Empowering Women and Catalyzing Markets to Improve Nutrition

Partnerships with communities and the private sector in Bangladesh to support women’s enterprises, including gardens for supplemental income

The West Africa Trade and Investment Hub

$100 million of investment and $174 million in sales for West African agriculture and apparel firms through new market opportunities

Our Experts

Sarah Kozyn
Sarah Kozyn

Client Account Director, Agriculture Market Systems

Bennett LaFond
Bennett LaFond

Agricultural Markets and Livelihoods Specialist, Resilient Economies

Dr. Walid Sallam
Walid Sallam

Chief of Party, Feed the Future Egypt Rural Agribusiness Strengthening (ERAS) Project, Egypt


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Abt’s Buyer-led, Market Systems Approach to Cambodian Horticulture

Millions of Cambodians have risen from poverty, yet many still live in vulnerable conditions. The government of Cambodia recognized that accelerating the growth of the horticulture sector would bring new opportunities, enabling farmers to benefit from…

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Spotlight On: Inclusive Economic Growth

Supporting small businesses, promoting gender lens investing and innovative financing, strengthening human capital, and connecting entrepreneurs to markets, Abt works across sectors to build capacity at individual, firm and farm levels, and promote competitiveness, productivity, and job creation that serves industries and communities.

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Spotlight On

Climate Finance and Agriculture: Growing Opportunities

This webinar explores what trends could mean for the future of climate finance in the agricultural sector.

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Using a Market Systems Approach to Develop Sustainable Value Chains

Experts gather to address market systems gaps and find market-based solutions that help lift marginalized groups in southern Mexico out of poverty.

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Evaluating Prize Competitions Around the World

The AgResults initiative was created by five donors after the 2010 G20 summit. The donors recognized that their resources alone could not significantly reduce poverty in the world’s poorest countries. They created AgResults to test whether pay-for…

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Empowering Women and Catalyzing Markets to Improve Nutrition

What influences a women’s ability to provide a balanced diet for herself and her household? In Bangladesh, the complex food system involves agriculture and non-agriculture market actors who affect food availability, access, utilization, and stability…

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Abt to Manage Feed the Future Bangladesh Nutrition Activity for Additional Five Years

Abt will be leading the USAID Feed the Future Bangladesh Nutrition Activity for five more years.

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