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Rucha Londhe, Ph.D.

Senior Director


Dr. Rucha Londhe (She/her), Senior Director Equity, is an experienced human development specialist, evaluator, researcher, and technical assistance provider with a demonstrated history of working in education and behavioral health industries. She has over 18 years of experience conducting equitable research and evaluation and leads the Monitoring, Evaluation, Research, Learning and Adapting (MERLA) sub-capability within the equity capability at Abt Global. Skilled in qualitative research methods such as interviews and focus groups, Dr. Londhe has multiple experiences conducting community-based participatory research and evaluations with diverse populations including immigrants and Native American Tribes.

Previously, Dr. Londhe served as the Domestic Liaison for Abt Global’s Equity Center and helped proposal and project teams bring an equity perspective into their work. Dr. Londhe continues to advise evaluation project teams with a framework for including equity-based principles in data collection, analysis, and reporting, such as tailoring interview/focus group questions for woman-headed households, desegregating data based on gender or race, and analyzing and reporting data by population subgroup.

In addition to her Abt roles, Dr. Londhe currently is serving as a mentor for the Leaders in Equitable Evaluation and Diversity (LEEAD) Program launched by Anne E. Cassey’s Expanding the Bench (ETB) initiative.

Before joining Abt, Dr. Londhe worked with the Brazelton Touchpoints Center (BTC) as a project director with the Research and Evaluation Team. At BTC, Dr. Londhe focused on the study of disparities in maternal and children’s health – especially on the Native American reservations across the country. She worked with four different Tribes over a span of five years – collecting evaluation data around health disparities using a community-based participatory research model and collaborated with program teams on designing equitable evaluation data collection and analysis strategies.

Previously, Dr. Londhe worked with the Goodman Research Group (GRG), where she led evaluations of programs predominantly focusing on the topic of girls and women in STEM education. This included programs like Girls Communicating Career Connections (GC3), which involved a series of short video segments produced by middle school aged girls. This series captured the inquiry-based learning experiences of girls as they investigated what it means to be a scientist or engineer.


  • Equitable program evaluation and research
  • Qualitative research methodology
  • Community based participatory research
  • Resource development
  • Fluent in English (Fluent), Marathi (Native), Hindi (Fluent), and German (Intermediate)



  • Ph.D., Human Development and Family Studies, University of Connecticut.