At COP28, the USAID Comprehensive Action for Climate Change Initiative (CACCI) convened 19 events through USAID, Abt and partners sharing learnings from across Africa, Latin America and Asia on how to accelerate climate change policy and action.
Abt is proud to implement CACCI, USAID’s global flagship program to help countries implement their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and National Adaptation Plans (NAPs).
Learn more about the events below, and access some of the event recordings.
CACCI Sessions at COP28
A Strategic Imperative: Advancing Climate-Sensitive Peacebuilding
December 3, 9:45am-10:45am (Dubai, GMT +4)
U.S. Center
Climate change can act as a significant and rapidly growing challenge to stability, and many of the world’s most fragile and conflict-affected countries are in regions that are also most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Given this reality, conflict and peacebuilding communities globally have recently initiated the integration of climate considerations into policy and programming; similarly, the global climate community has begun to incorporate conflict sensitivity and considerations of fragility more generally into its work. This event brought together a diverse panel to discuss approaches integrating conflict and climate sensitivities into climate adaptation and peacebuilding, early warning data for policy and decision-making, and the importance of international and local partnerships to address this cross-cutting issue.
Empowering the Vulnerable: Evaluating Locally Led Adaptation for Climate Finance Accountability in the Least Developed Countries and the Global South
December 3, 10:00am-11:00am (Dubai, GMT +4)
LDC Group Pavilion
This gathering brought together experts, policymakers, practitioners, and stakeholders from around the world to share learnings on different approaches that can better evaluate locally led adaptation and hold climate finance providers to account.
Creating Enabling Environments to Catalyze NDC Implementation: A Look at Private and Public Linkages to Improve the Climate Action in LAC Region Within the Context of More Sustainable Agri-food Systems
December 3, 10:30am-11:30am (Dubai, GMT +4)
Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) Pavilion
This event shared learned lessons around the linkages between private and public sector to accelerate the implementation of NDC’s in the LAC countries, e.g. innovative strategies that effectively engage the private sector and other derivatives from private sector that not only involve the public sector but also address the needs identified by the governments. The event also explored opportunities to promote collaborative spaces between stakeholders facing more sustainable agri-food systems.
Watering the NDCs and NAPs: Leveraging Water for Climate in National Climate and Development Plans and Accelerating Implementation
December 3, 12:00pm-1:00pm (Dubai, GMT +4)
Water Pavilion
This session served as an opportunity to dive deeper into the questions surrounding how to ensure strong integration of water resources and freshwater ecosystems into national climate planning efforts.
- Moderator: Alvin Chandra, Global Coordinator for Adaptation Policy and Partnerships, UNEP
- Danielle Frank, Indigenous Youth Water Defender, Klamath River; Board Member, Rios to Rivers
- Professor Ainun Nishat, Advisor, Centre for Climate Change and Environmental Research (C3ER); Professor Emeritus, BRAC University
- Valerie Hickeyk, Global Director of Environment, Natural Resources and Blue Economy, World Bank
- Emily Weeks, Senior Policy Advisor, Bureau of Resilience Environment and Food Security, USAID
- Amir Said M’zé (Youth Representative, Madagascar, Think Green)
Putting Health at The Center of Climate Action
December 3, 2:00pm-3:00pm (Dubai, GMT +4)
Nepal Pavilion
Hosted by USAID/Nepal in partnership with Nepal’s Ministry of Health, this event delved into the interconnectedness of air pollution, climate change, health, and energy within the Nepalese context.
Bridging the Science-Policy Gap: Adaptation Solutions for the Climate, Peace, and Security Nexus Policy Gaps
December 3, 5:00pm-6:00pm (Dubai, GMT +4)
Food Pavilion
This event identified opportunities for strategic investment in evidence-based initiatives, programs and products that promote sustainable development outcomes and foster the achievement of co-benefits across different SDGs to contribute to sustainable peace.
Accelerating the Implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) in Africa (CACCI)
December 5, 11:00am-12:30pm (Dubai, GMT +4)
African Union Pavilion
Hosted by the Africa Network of Agricultural Policy Research Institutes (ANAPRI), in collaboration with USAID, Michigan State University (MSU), and Akademiya2063, this session provided progress updates from implementing NDCs and NAPs in USAID CACCI's four pilot countries in Africa (Ghana, Rwanda, Senegal, and Zambia) and introduced new CACCI Africa countries. The outcomes of this event are anticipated to contribute significantly to the ongoing global dialogue on sustainable agriculture, climate resilience, and the imperative for inclusive, cross-sectoral cooperation.
- Emily Weeks, Senior Policy Advisor, USAID
- Antony Chapoto, ANAPRI
- Getaw Tadesse, Akademiya2063
- Hedges Tembo, Advisor, Ministry of Green Economy and Environment, Zambia Senegal CCS, Rwanda Green Fund
- Felicien Bamporineza, Ministry of Environment, Science, Technology, and Innovation, Ghana
- Chris Cleverly, Tingo
- Akinwole Omoboriowo, Genesis Energy
Tajikistan NDC Climate Finance Plan Introduction
December 5, 3:30pm-4:30pm (Dubai, GMT +4)
Tajikistan Pavilion
This event brought potential donors and other Asian government officials together to understand and discuss the NDC finance plan that has been developed by the Government of Tajikistan with the help of development partners. USAID, Asian Development Bank, NDC Partnership, and regional organizations shared their contributions and lessons in climate financing. The investment plan outlines priority areas of investments that are classified into various sectoral activities. Participants provided feedback on the plan and shared their experience in developing similar plans for their countries. The investment plan also provides a road map for potential private sector investors to participate in Tajikistan's climate action interventions in various sectors.
Advancing Global Progress on NAPs and NDCs through Public-Private Sector Partnerships: The Comprehensive Action for Climate Change Initiative (CACCI)
December 6, 12:30pm-1:30pm (Dubai, GMT +4)
NDC Partnership Pavilion
In response to the COP28 Global Stocktake USAID has established the Comprehensive Action for Climate Change (CACCI) Partnership for Climate Action (PCA).
- Gillian Caldwell, Chief Climate Officer, USAID
- Eric Reading, Chief Climate Officer, Abt
- Akinwole Omoboriowo, Chief Executive Officer, Genesis Energy
- Ayemn Boughanmi, Chief Executive Officer, BGTitan
- Kevin Rabinovitch, Chief Climate Officer, Mars Incorporated
- Collins Nzov, Minister of Green Economy and Environment, Zambia
- Sebastian Caranza, Advisor for Risk Mitigation, Colombia
- Sheraliza Bakhodur Ahmajon, Chairman of the Committee for Environmental Protection, Tajikistan
Implementing Climate Action in Asia, Africa, and LAC: A South-South Learning Event
December 6, 1:30-2:30pm (Dubai, GMT +4)
Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) Pavilion
This event fostered discussion on regional perspectives for NDC implementation, including institutional arrangements, lessons learned and approaches for mobilizing finance, through the carbon markets and through public and private resources. Speakers included ministers and vice ministers from Brazil, Burkina Faso and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.
- Moderator: Suresh Babu, IFPRI
- Bama Athreya, Deputy Assistant Administrator, Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment Hub, Inclusive Development Hub, USAID
- Roger Baro, Minister Environment, Water and Sanitation, Burkina Faso
- Saboto Caesar, Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
- Gustavo Gorety, Vice Minister for Agriculture, Brazil
Implementing the Agricultural Elements of the NDCs and Enhancing Ambition for Greater Adaptation and Mitigation Action in the Caribbean Agriculture Sector
December 6, 3:30-4:30pm (Dubai, GMT +4)
Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) Pavilion
This event addressed issues experienced in the Caribbean's agriculture sector by discussing required measures for climate action. Presenters shared knowledge and experiences on agriculture and related sectors’ targets, measures, policies, and finance related to NDCs.
- Crispin d’ Auvergne, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management Coordinator, OECS, St. Lucia
- Calvin James, Coordinator PISLM, Trinidad & Tobago
- Iwan Samoender, Manager of Climate Change Unit, Ministry of Agriculture, Suriname
- Kelvin Alie, Senior Vice President, Strategy, Delivery & Field Partnerships, Conservation International, Guyana
Launching the CACCI Partnership for Climate Action through a $20bn Private Sector Pledge
December 6, 5:00 - 5:30pm (Dubai, GMT +4)
UNFCCC Press room 2, Blue zone
Under the Comprehensive Action for Climate Change Initiative (CACCI), USAID is combining forces with the financial sector to tackle sustainable development and meet climate commitments made under the Paris Agreement. At this event, USAID, CACCI, and a coalition of private sector investors announced their partnerships, and the private sector pledged to greatly increase their climate investment to support climate change adaptation and mitigation through renewable energy projects, green housing and infrastructure, and climate-resilient agriculture. This session highlighted how public-private sector partnerships can effectively help countries meet their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) goals.
- Gillian Caldwell, Chief Climate Officer, USAID
- Emily Weeks, Senior Policy Advisor, USAID
- Eric Reading, Chief Climate Officer, Abt
- Akinwole Omoboriowo, Chief Executive Officer, Genesis Energy
- Ayemn Boughanmi, Chief Executive Officer, BGTitan
Accelerating Investments for Climate Adaptation in Zambia and Nigeria
December 8, 11:00am-11:45am (Dubai, GMT +4)
Thematic Arena 3, Energy, Finance, Urbanization and Indigenous People
This event delved into high-level impact risk and impact assessment, focusing on investment opportunities aligned with NDC commitments in Zambia and Nigeria. The session highlighted strategies that can bolster resilience in Africa, addressing crucial areas such as food loss, waste, and the intersection of climate and agriculture commitments.
- Dina Espositos, Assistant to the Administrator for the Bureau for Resilience, Environment, and Food Security, USAID
- Hamza Tber, Associate, BCG
- Eric Reading, Chief Climate Officer, Abt
- Douty Chibamba, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Green Economy and Environment, Zambia
- Halima Bawa-Bwari, Director of Climate Change, Ministry of Environment, Nigeria
- Anthony Nyong, Director of Climate Change, African Development Bank
Progress and Challenges in Achieving NDCs in Asia
December 9, 11:00am-12:00pm (Dubai, GMT +4)
Tajikistan Pavilion
This event, sponsored by technical assistance from IFPRI to the NDC Secretariat in CEP and funded by USAID, featured the participation of five Asian countries—Bhutan, Fiji, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Tajikistan. These nations shared their progress and challenges in meeting their NDC and NAP goals. Additionally, the Asian Development Bank and the NDC Partnership contributed by highlighting achievements in the Asia-Pacific region. From these discussions, three main themes emerged: integrating sectoral plans like food and agriculture into NDCs and national development plans, governing the implementation of NDC plans in collaboration with development partners, and securing financing for NDC implementation. Mobilizing necessary finances remains a shared challenge among these countries, prompting discussions on various financing approaches. Notably, Tajikistan officials presented progress under USAID support, including national workshops facilitated by the USAID mission in Dushanbe and recent efforts to assess methane emissions in Tajikistan with USAID's assistance.
NDC Implementation in Tajikistan: Coordination and Driving Progress
December 10, 11:00am-12:00pm (Dubai, GMT +4)
Tajikistan Pavilion
Leveraging Investments and Financing Mechanisms for National Food Systems and Climate Coordinated Plans, with Focus on Africa and Smallholders
December 10
The event showcased experiences in Senegal and Rwanda on climate finance and foster high-level multi-stakeholder dialogue on climate finance and effectively reaching small-scale farmers.
Have Your Say! Shaping a New Funding Modality for Locally Led Adaptation
December 11, 1:15pm-2:15pm (Dubai, GMT +4)
IUCN Pavilion
This gathering involved diverse stakeholders in discussions about expanding locally led adaptation within the Adaptation Fund. The focus was devising methods to enhance the accessibility of funding for adaptation at local levels and empowering community leaders to take charge of adaptation planning and execution.
Making NAPs More Efficient: New Solutions to Bridge the NAP Gap
December 11, 3:00pm-4:00pm (Dubai, GMT +4)
Side Event Room 9
Extreme weather events, such as droughts, floods, rising sea levels, rising temperatures, and increasing water scarcity, endanger previous development successes and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. NAP processes are an internationally recognized instrument built on climate risk analyses to identify, prioritize, implement, and track progress toward adaptation actions to reduce vulnerability to climate risks. This event highlighted best practices and identified gaps toward effective, inclusive, and ambitious NAP processes. It provided new perspectives to support the least developed countries and Small Island Developing States in preparing their plans, including their operational and financial components.
Scaling Up Locally Led Adaptation through National Action
December 12, 12:30pm-1:30pm (Dubai, GMT +4)
NDC Partnership Pavilion
This event explored how countries are using multilevel governance to link subnational and national adaptation action in NDCs and national adaptation plans (NAPs).